Monday, March 23, 2015

End of Week 1: Epiduo

Unlike other epiduo users, i did not experience drying and burning during the first week. my skin felt a little dry but it was bearable. i just experienced a little itching after applying the gel. i also make sure that i apply a very thin layer. it is important to follow what your doctor is saying. during the first week, my face got more breakouts, big zits are everywhere and i got two cystic acne. one along the jaw line and one on my lower right cheek near the mouth. Here's my photo at the end of the first week. i actually don't want to show this to anyone but i think i have to do this for full documentation.

i know it's gross. it's still red but that's nothing compared to when i was using everything that my first doctor gave me. my self-esteem really did subside. i don't even go out with my friends anymore. i continued the use of epiduo. according to some reviews, this is called the purging phase. this means that epiduo is working on bacteria on your skin which results to new pimple and more zits. 


  1. your acne looks exactly like mine and I'm in epiduo to, I understand I'm only on week 3-4

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